parse url hostname pathname in javascript

How to Parse URL into Hostname & Pathname in JS

Sometimes web developers need to split URL into hostname and pathname in JavaScript. In this article, we will learn how to do this easily. We will see a couple of ways to parse URL into hostname & pathname in JS.

How to Parse URL into Hostname & Pathname in JS

There are two ways to parse URL – either it is the URL of current web page’s address or it is a plain string.

1. Parse Current URL

If you want to parse your web page’s current URL into hostname and pathname you can easily do this using window.location or just location object. Both of them have hostname and pathname properties that automatically store the hostname and pathname of current URL. Let us say your current URL is Here is the command to retrieve hostname of current URL in web browser.

host = window.location.hostname; //returns
host = location.hostname; //returns

Similarly, here is the command to retrieve pathname of current URL.

path = window.location.pathname; //returns /product/abc
path = location.pathname; //returns /product/abc

2. Parse URL String

If your URL is a plain string, then you can use the URL() constructor to convert it into URL. This returns an object with two properties hostname and pathname that contain hostname and pathname of URL respectively.

var url = new URL("");
console.log(url.hostname); //returns
console.log(url.pathname); //returns /product/abc

In this article, we have learnt how to parse URL into hostname and pathname in JavaScript.

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