Often website administrators need to prevent Apache server from serving .git directory. Here are the steps to do it.
How to Increase Import File Size Limit in PHPMyAdmin
Sometimes you may need to increase import file size limit in PHPMyAdmin. Here are the steps to do so.
How to Change Apache Config Without Restarting
Sometimes you may need to modify Apache server configuration without restarting. Here is how to change Apache config without restarting.
How to Run Multiple PHP Versions in Apache
How to Run Multiple PHP Versions in NGINX
How to List All Virtual Hosts in Apache
How to Get Unique IP Address from Log File
Often website administrators need to extract unique IP address from log files. Here are the steps to do so.
How to Run Python Script in Apache Web Server
Sometimes you may need to run a Python script in Apache web server. Here are the steps to run python script in Apache web server.
Shell Script to Clear/Delete Log Files
Sometimes you may need to clear/delete log files in Linux. Here is shell script to clear/delete log files.
How to Exclude Requests from Apache Log
Sometimes you may need to exclude requests from Apache log files. Here are the steps to disable logging for specific requests to Apache.