Wait command allows you to make the Linux shell wait till a process is over. Here is how to use wait command in Linux.
How To Run Multiple cURL Requests in Parallel
cURL is a useful command to make requests. Sometimes you may need to run multiple cURL requests in parallel. Here is how to do it.
How to Uninstall Slack in Ubuntu
Slack is a popular team collaboration and communication software. Here is how to uninstall Slack in Ubuntu.
Git Stash: Save Local Changes Without Commit in Git
Sometimes you may need to git save progress without commit or keep local changes without commit. Here is how to save local changes without commit in Git.
How to Convert Webpage into PDF using Python
Sometimes you need to convert web pages into PDF. Here is how to convert webpage into pdf using python.
How to Set Upstream Branch in Git
How to Convert Callback to Promise in NodeJS
NodeJS is a javascript based web-development framework. Here is how to convert callback to promise in NodeJS.
How to Create Virtual Host on WAMP
Virtual Hosts allow you to run multiple websites & domains on a single server. Here is how to create virtual host on WAMP.