Often you may need to detect when users your website or application. Here is how to detect when user leaves page.
How to Generate PDF from HTML Using JavaScript
You may need to allow your websites and applications to export HTML as PDF. Here is how to generate PDF from HTML using JavaScript.
How to Auto Resize IFrame Based on Content
Sometimes you may need to auto resize Iframe based on content. Here is how to do this using JavaScript.
How to Count Substring Occurrence in String in JS
How to Convert Comma Separated String into JS Array
Sometimes you may need to convert comma separated string into JS array. Here are the steps to do it.
How to Suppress Warning Messages in MySQL
How to Show JavaScript Date in 12 Hour AM/PM Format
How to Get HTML Element’s Actual Width & Height
How to Call Parent Window Function from IFrame
Sometimes you may need to call parent window function from IFrame in JavaScript. Here are the steps to do so.