Sometimes you may need to prevent page refresh on form submit. Here is how to disable page refresh on form submission in JavaScript.
How to Check if Object is Array in JavaScript
How to Reverse/Invert Dictionary Mapping in Python
How to Sort List of Tuples by Second Element in Python
Sometimes you may need to sort list of tuples of list of lists by second element. Here is how to sort list of tuples by element at index.
How to Configure Python Flask to be Externally Visible
Sometimes you may need to configure Python flask to be publicly accessible. Here is how to configure python flask to be externally visible.
How to Get Difference Between Two Lists in Python
How to Import Other Python File
Sometimes you may need to import python file into your python script. Here are the different ways to do this.
How to Remove Punctuation from String in Python
How to Remove Duplicates from Array of Objects JavaScript
Sometimes you may need to remove duplicates from array of objects in JavaScript. Here are the steps to do so.
How to Pass Parameter to SetTimeout Callback
Sometimes you may need to pass parameter to settimeout callback function. Here are the steps to do it.