Sometimes you may need to find last occurrence of character or substring in string in python. Here is how to find last occurrence of character in string in python.
How to Split Python List into N Sublists
Sometimes you may need to split python list into sublists. Here is how to split python list into N sublists.
How to Insert Text At Certain Line in Linux
Sometimes you may need to insert text at certain line in Linux. Here is how to do it using ed, sed, awk, commands.
Django Get Unique Values From Queryset
Sometimes you may need to get unique values from Django Queryset. Here are the steps to get distinct values from queryset.
How to Create RPM for Python Module
Sometimes you may need to create RPM package for python module or script. Here are the steps to create RPM from python code.
How to Use NMAP in Kali Linux
How to Install VirtualBox in Ubuntu
VirtualBox allows you to run virtual machines on your system. Here is how to install VirtualBox in Ubuntu.
How to pass parameter in MySQL query
How to Combine Querysets in Django
Sometimes you may need to combine querysets in Django. Here are the steps to merge Django querysets.