Sometimes you may need to convert bytes to string in python. Here are the steps to do it.
How to Store Output of Cut Command in variable in Unix
Sometimes you may need to store output of cut command in variable in Linux. Here are the steps to do it.
How to Use Shell Variables in Awk Script
Sometimes you may need to use shell variables in awk script or command. Here is how to do it in Linux.
How to Setup SSH Keys in Linux
SSH protocol allows you to securely transfer files & data between two computers on a network or over internet. Here is how to setup SSH keys in Linux.
How to Create Nested Directory in Python
In this article, we will learn different ways to create nested directory in Python. You can use these steps on every Python version.
How to Prompt for User Input in Shell Script
Sometimes you may need to prompt for user input in shell script. Here is how to prompt user for input in shell script.
How to Uninstall SQL Server in Ubuntu
Shell Script to Check if Script is Already Running
How to Check if Input Argument Exists in Shell Script
Sometimes you may need to check if input argument exists in shell script. Here are the steps to do it.
How to Check if Directory Exists in Shell Script
Sometimes you may need to check if directory exists in shell script. Here are the steps to check if folder exists in shell script.