Sometimes you may need to add header to CSV file. Here is how to do it using sed or echo commands.
How to Create Yum Repository in RHEL 7 using ISO image
Sometimes you may need to create yum repository in RHEL using ISO image or DVD. Here are the steps to do so.
How to Setup Local Yum Repository on CentOS/RHEL
Sometimes you may need to setup local yum repository in CentOS/RHEL Linux system. Here are the steps to do so.
How to List Files Installed from RPM or Deb Package
Sometimes you may need to find out the files installed from RPM or Deb package. Here is how to list files installed from RPM or Deb package.
How to Change Console Fonts in Ubuntu Server
Sometimes you may want to change console fonts in Ubuntu Linux. Here are the steps to change font style and font size in Ubuntu console.
How to Set Password for Single User Mode in Linux
How to Change Kernel Parameters At Runtime
Sometimes you may need to change kernel parameters in runtime. Here are the steps to do it using sysctl command.
How to Install Kernel Headers in RHEL & CentOS
Sometimes you may need to install kernel headers in RHEL & CentOS Linux. Here are the steps to do so in Linux.
How to Install Kernel Headers in Ubuntu & Debian
Sometimes you may need to install kernel headers in Ubuntu & Debian Linux systems. Here are the steps for it.