Sometimes you may need to upgrade all python packages using pip. Here are the steps to upgrade specific packages or all packages in python.
How to Create Python Function with Optional Arguments
Sometimes you may need to create python function with optional arguments. Here are the steps to do it.
How to Automate Backup in Python
Sometimes you may need to backup certain files & folders on your system. Here is how to automate backup in Python.
How to Group by Multiple Columns in Python Pandas
How to Access Environment Variables in Python
Sometimes you may need to get environment variable or set environment variable in Python. Here are the steps to access environment variables in Python.
How to Password Protect PDF in Python
Sometimes you may need to password protect documents in Python. Here is how to password protect PDF in Python.
How to Read Inputs as Numbers in Python
How to Repeat String N Times in Python
Sometimes you may need to repeat string N times in Python. Here is how to repeat string N times in Python.