Sometimes you may need to boot into single user mode in CentOS. Here are the steps to do it in Linux.
How to Restore Deleted Tmp Directory in Linux
How to Change Linux Partition Label Names
How to Copy File Permissions & Ownership from Another File in Linux
Sometimes you may need to copy file permissions and ownership from another file in Linux. Here are the steps to do it in Linux.
Display Command Output & File Content in Column Format
Sometimes you may need to display command output & file content in column format. Here are the steps to do it in Linux.
How to Stress Test Linux Server
Schedule Cron Job Every 1 hour in Linux
Cron jobs allow you to automate tasks and processes in Linux. Here is how to schedule cron job every 1 hour.
How to Delete User Accounts with Home Directory in Linux
Sometimes you may need to delete user accounts in Home Directory in Linux. Here are the steps to do it.
How to Update or Change System Locale in Linux
Sometimes you may need to update or change system locale in your Linux system. Here are the steps to do it in Linux.