Very often users get Errno 13 Permission Denied Error in Apache. Here is how to fix it.
How to Define & Use Variables in Apache httpd.conf
Sometimes you may need to set and use variables in Apache web server. Here is how to define & use variables in Apache.
How to Setup Apache Virtual Host in Windows
Virtual hosts allow you to run multiple websites on a single server. Here is how to setup Apache virtual hosts in Windows.
How to Escape Percent (%) in Apache using .htaccess
Sometimes you may need to escape special characters in URL in Apache. Here is how to escape percent (%) in Apache using .htaccess.
How to Remove URL Parameters using .htaccess
Sometimes you may need to remove part of url, remove query string from url or remove characters from URL. Here is how to remove URL parameters using .htaccess.
How to Set Apache PATH Environment Variable
How to Disable HTTP Strict Transport Policy in Apache
HTTP Strict Transport Security Policy protects websites from malicious attacks. Here is how to disable HTTP Strict Transport Security Policy in Apache.
How to Create Virtual Host on WAMP
Virtual Hosts allow you to run multiple websites & domains on a single server. Here is how to create virtual host on WAMP.
Apache Http Server vs Apache Tomcat Server
Apache web server and Apache Tomcat server are two popular servers for websites. Here is the difference between Apache HTTP server vs Apache Tomcat server.
How to Create Virtual Host on XAMPP
XAMPP allows you to create virtual hosts to run multiple websites on same server. Here is how to create virtual host on XAMPP.