Sometimes you may need to copy files or folders in python. Here are the steps to copy files in python.
How to Comment in Python
Git Rename Local & Remote Branch
Sometimes you may need to rename local & remote branch in git, without deleting them. Here are the steps to rename local & remote git branches.
How to Create Remote Git Branch
How to Unstage Files in Git
Sometimes you may need to unstage files in git. Here are the steps to unstage files from git repository.
How to Enable Bluetooth from Command Line in Ubuntu
Sometimes you may need to enable bluetooth in Ubuntu. Here are the steps to enable bluetooth from shell in Ubuntu.
How to Add Repository in Ubuntu
Sometimes you may need to add repository in Ubuntu. Here are the steps to add universe and multiverse repository in Ubuntu.
How to Delete Folders Older than 7 Days in Ubuntu
Sometimes you may need to remove or delete folders older than 7 days on your system. Here are the steps to delete directories older than 7 days in Linux.
NGINX Prevent Host Header Attack
It is important to prevent host header attacks on your servers. Here is how to prevent host header attack in NGINX.
How to Enable IP Forwarding in Ubuntu
Sometimes you may need to setup IP forwarding in Linux. Here is how to enable IP forwarding in Ubuntu.