Sometimes you may need to search in python list, or search if an item exists, or search for string in list. Here is how to find element in list in Python
How to Parse CSV File in Shell
How to Find All Symlinks to File/Directory
Sometimes you may need to list all symlinks to specific folder/directory, or get symlinks present in directory. Here are the steps to do it.
Shell Script to Count Number of Files in Directory
Very often you may need to count number of files in directory. Here is a shell script to count number of files in directory.
Shell Script to Count Number of Words in File
Sometimes you may need to count number of words in file. Here is a shell script to count number of words in file.
How to Enable & Disable Services in Linux
Sometimes you need to enable, disable & manage services in Linux. Here is how to start, stop, restart, enable, disable services in Linux using systemd and upstart init.
NGINX Alias vs Root
NGINX provides root and alias directives to serve files. Here is the difference between Alias vs Root in NGINX.
How to Download File to Directory with Wget
Sometimes you may need to download file to directory using wget. Here is how to specify wget file destination or default download location.
Shell Script to Concatenate Strings
Sometimes you may need to write a shell script for string concatenation. Here is a shell script to concatenate strings.
How to Run Shell Script as Background Process
Sometimes you may need to run shell script as background process. Here is how to a shell program in background.