Sometimes you may need to replace part of string in update query in MySQL. Here are the steps to do so.
How to Import Excel File to MySQL Database
How to View MySQL Log Files
How to Run MySQLdump without Locking Tables
MySQLdump command locks tables while taking backup. Here is how to run MySQLdump without locking tables.
How to Check if String Starts With Another String in JavaScript
Sometimes you may need to check if string starts with another string in JavaScript. Here are the steps to do so.
How to Check if Variable is Undefined in JavaScript
How to Detect Invalid Date in JavaScript
Sometimes you may need to check if a date is valid or not in JavaScript. Here is how to detect invalid date in JavaScript.
How to Select Multiple Columns in Pandas Dataframe
Sometimes you may need to select multiple columns in Pandas Dataframe. Here are the different ways to do so.