Sometimes you may need to block or disable user login in Linux. Here is how to prevent user login in Linux.
How to Check Kernel Version in Linux
Sometimes you may need to check kernel version in Linux. Here are the different ways to do this in Linux.
How to Remove Unused Kernels in Ubuntu
Often you may need to remove unused and old kernels to save disk space. Here is how to remove unused kernels in Ubuntu.
How to Clone Partition or Hard Disk in Linux
How to Find Folder By Name in Linux
Sometimes you may need to find directory name in Linux or grep folder name. Here is how to find folder name in Linux.
How to Debug Shell Script
Sometimes you may need to capture error messages in shell script. Here is how to debug shell script in Linux.
How to Sort Text File in Python
Sometimes you may need to sort text file in python. Here are the steps to sort text file sort file numerically, sort file alphabetically, sort file by column in python.
How to Create Symbolic links in Linux
Symbolic links or soft links are references to file and directories in Linux. Here is how to create symbolic links in Linux.
Ubuntu Change Terminal Font Size & Color
Sometimes you may want to customize terminal font size & color from default style. Here is how to change terminal font size & color in Ubuntu.
How to Remove Sticky Bit in Linux
Sometimes you may need to remove s-bit or sticky bit from file permissions. Here is how to remove sticky bit in Linux.