Sometimes you may need to copy/transfer data from one database to another in PostgreSQL. Here are the steps to do so.
How to Count Repeated Characters in String in Python
Sometimes you may need to count repeated characters in string in Python. Here is in how to do it easily using collections.
How to Write Limit Query in MongoDB
Sometimes you may need to limit query results in MongoDB. Here is how to write Limit query in MongoDB.
How to Copy/Transfer Data from One Database to Another in MySQL
Sometimes you may need to copy/transfer data from one database to another in MySQL. Here are the steps to do it.
How to Setup Uwsgi with NGINX for Python
uwsgi is an application container for websites & applications. Here is how to setup uwsgi with NGINX for python.
Git Pull vs Git Fetch
Git pull and git fetch are two common git commands to update local repositories. Here is the difference between git pull vs git fetch.
How to Kill User Session in Linux
Sometimes you may need to kill session of one or more Linux users. In this article, we will learn how to kill user session in Linux.