Sometimes you may need to select DOM elements by name in JavaScript. Here are the different ways to select element by name in JavaScript.
How to Get Value of Selected Radio Button
Sometimes you may need to get value of selected radio button in JavaScript. Here are the steps to do it.
How to Disable Browser AutoFill Using JavaScript
Sometimes you may need to disable autocomplete or autofill on your web browser. Here are the steps to disable browser autofill.
How to Stop Browser Back Button Using JavaScript
Sometimes you may need to prevent user from going back to previous page in web browser. Here are the steps to stop browser back button using JavaScript.
How to Disable Clicks in IFrame Using JavaScript
How to Prevent Web Page from Being Loaded in Iframe
Sometimes you may need to prevent web page from being loaded in iframe. Here are the steps to disable websites from being loaded in iframe.
How to Replace Values in Pandas DataFrame
How to Add New Column to Existing DataFrame
Sometimes you may need to add column to existing dataframe. Here are the steps to do it in Python Pandas.
How to Change Element Class Property Using JavaScript
Sometimes you may need to change element class property using JavaScript. Here are the steps to do it.
How to Get Value of Data Attribute in JavaScript
Sometimes you may need to get data attribute of page elements in JavaScript. Here are the steps to do so.