Sometimes you may need to remove startup applications in Ubuntu. Here are the steps to disable startup applications in Ubuntu.
How to Do Port Forwarding in Raspberry Pi
Port forwarding allows external access to Raspberry Pi. Here is how to do port forwarding in Raspberry Pi.
How to Install Raspbian in Raspberry Pi
Raspbian is the most popular operating system in Raspberry Pi. Here is how to install Raspbian in Raspberry Pi.
How to Disable Lighttpd Access Log
How to Install Http Server in Raspberry Pi
How to Configure DNS Nameserver in Ubuntu
How to Copy File to Clipboard in Ubuntu
Sometimes you may need to copy files & data to clipboard in Ubuntu. Here is how to copy file to clipboard in Ubuntu.
How to Assign Command Output to Variable in Shell Script
Sometimes you may need to assign command output to variable in bash, capture output of command or set variable to command output. Here is how to assign command output to variable in Shell Script.
How to Group by Multiple Columns in Python Pandas
How to Access Environment Variables in Python
Sometimes you may need to get environment variable or set environment variable in Python. Here are the steps to access environment variables in Python.