Aapche is a popular web server. Here is an Apache Command Cheat Sheet to help you with commonly used commands.
How to Clone Git Repository to Specific Folder
By default, git clones repository to current working directory. Here is how to clone git repository to specific folder.
MySQL Datetime vs Timestamp
MySQL Datetime & Timestamp are two useful data types. Here are the key differences between the two data types in MySQL.
How to Remove Line from File Using Python
Sometimes yo may need to remove one or more lines from file. Here is how to remove line from file using python.
How to Combine Multiple CSV Files Using Python
Sometimes you may need to merge multiple CSV files into single file. Here is how to combine multiple CSV files using python.
Python Script to Load Data in MySQL
Python allows you to load data into databases and run SQL queries. Here is the python script to load data in MySQL.
NGINX Pass Headers from Proxy Server
How to Get Query Execution Time in MySQL
It is good to keep track of query execution time of SQL queries in MySQL. Here is how to get query execution time in MySQL.
How to Get File Size in Python
How to Show All Open Connections to MySQL Database
Sometimes you may need to view all open connections to MySQL database. Here is how to show all open database connections to MySQL database.