Sometimes you may need to undo & redo in Nano editor. Here are the steps to undo & redo in Nano editor.
How to Undo & Redo in Vim / Vi Editor
Sometimes you may need to undo & redo in Vim/Vi Editor. Here are the steps to undo & redo changes in vim/vi editor.
How to Set Timeout in cURL
How to Set Indentation in Vim
Sometimes you may need to set indentation in Vim editor. Here are the steps to set indentation width in Vim Editor.
How to Show Progress in Rsync
Sometimes you may need to see file transfer progress, file transfer status, or show Rsync progress bar. Here are the steps to show progress in Rsync.
How to Clean Up Snap Packages in Linux
Sometimes you may need to remove uninstalled snap packages or old snap packages from your Linux system. Here is how to clean up snap packages in Linux.
How to Fix Unacceptable TLS Certificate Error in Linux
How to Reconfigure Installed Package in Ubuntu/Debian Linux
Sometimes you may need to reconfigure installed packages in Ubuntu/Debian. Here are the steps to do so.
Return False vs PreventDefault in JavaScript
Here is the difference between return false vs preventDefault to prevent event handlers from default behavior.
How to Get Unique Values from Array in JavaScript
Sometimes you may need to get unique values from array in JavaScript. Here are the steps to remove duplicates from JS array.