Often you may need to format number as currency string on websites. Here is how to do it using JavaScript.
How to Access Iframe Content With JavaScript
Sometimes you may need to access iframe content on your web page. Here are the steps to access iframe content with JavaScript.
How to Use Variable in Regex in JavaScript
Sometimes you may need to use variable in regex in JavaScript. Here are the steps to do it in JavaScript.
How to Use Variable in Regex in Python
Sometimes you may need to use variable in regex. Here are the steps to do it in Python using string concatenation.
How to Split Array Into Chunks in JavaScript
Sometimes you may need to split array into chunks of specific size in JavaScript. Here are the steps to do it.
How to Copy Files from Linux to Windows
How to Protect Hard and Symbolic Links in CentOS
Sometimes you may need to protect hard and symbolic links in CentOS/RHEL systems. Here are the steps to do it.
How to Run Shell Script on Another Server
How to Manage Systemd Services on Remote Linux Systems
Sometimes you may need to manage systemd services on remote Linux systems, Here are the steps to do it.
How to Enable Confirmation for Rm Command
Sometimes you may need to enable confirmation for rm command. Here are the steps to enable confirmation while deleting files & folders, in Ubuntu/Debian and RHEL/CentOS/Fedora