PostgreSQL is a popular database software. Here are the steps to completely uninstall PostgreSQL from Ubuntu.
How to Setup NTP Server & Client in Ubuntu
NTP server & client synchronize system clocks over network. Here are the steps to install NTP server & client in Ubuntu.
How to Add User to Sudoers in Linux
How to Install Brotli for NGINX in Ubuntu
Brotli is a popular compression algorithm developed by Google. Here is how to install Brotli for NGINX in Ubuntu.
How to Install Brotli for Apache in Ubuntu
Brotli is a compression algorithm like gzip, bzip2. Here is how to install Brotli for Apache in Ubuntu.
How to Uninstall Docker in CentOS
Docker is a popular application container used by many web developers. Here is how to uninstall Docker in CentOS.
How to Uninstall Asterisk in Ubuntu
Sometimes you may need to uninstall asterisk platform in Ubuntu. Here are the steps to uninstall asterisk in Ubuntu.
Json.dump vs Json.dumps in Python
Json.dump and Json.dumps are two important functions in python. Here is the different between Json.dump vs Json.dumps in Python.
How to Uninstall Docker in Ubuntu
Sometimes you may need to remove Docker from Linux system. Here is how to uninstall docker in Ubuntu.
How to Become Root User in Linux
Sometimes you may need to switch to root user in Linux to execute certain commands & scripts. Here is how to become root user in Linux.