Sometimes you may need to find the largest directories & files on your Linux system. Here is how to find largest files & directories in Linux
How to Run Linux Command in Background
Sometimes you may need to run Linux commands in background. Here is how to easily run Linux command in background.
Linux History: Show Commands with Date & Time
Sometimes you may need to display past command history with date and time. Here is how to show commands with date & time.
How to Use Linux History Command
History is a useful Linux command to view past commands. Here are the different ways to use Linux history command.
How to Change XAMPP Apache Server Port
Sometimes you need to change XAMPP Apache server port. Here are the steps to change XAMPP Apache server port.
How to Fix Apache Not Executing PHP Files
Sometimes Apache Server displays PHP files without executing them. Here is how problem of Apache not executing PHP files.
How to Use NGINX try_files
Difference Between ServerName and ServerAlias
ServerName and ServerAlias are two key server directives in Apache. Here is the difference between ServerName and ServerAlias directives.
How to Empty or Delete Contents of Large File in Linux
Sometimes you may need to empty a file or clear file in Linux. In this article, we will look at how to empty or delete contents of large file in Linux.
How to Convert List to String in Python
Sometimes you may need to convert a list of string or integer to a string. Here are different ways to convert list to string in python.