Odoo is a popular ERP suite available in both Linux & WIndows. Here is how to configure Odoo 13 with PyCharm.
Json.dump vs Json.dumps in Python
Json.dump and Json.dumps are two important functions in python. Here is the different between Json.dump vs Json.dumps in Python.
How to Send GET & POST requests using python
Sometimes you may need to send GET & POST requests in Python. Here is how to send HTTP requests using Python.
How to Connect to PostgreSQL database using Python
Sometimes you may need to connect to PostgreSQL database and send SQL queries. Here is how to do it.
Python Script to Run SQL Query
How to Sort Text File in Python
Sometimes you may need to sort text file in python. Here are the steps to sort text file sort file numerically, sort file alphabetically, sort file by column in python.
How to Read YAML File to Dict in Python
Sometimes you may need to parse YAML file to dict or read YAML file to dict. Here is how to do convert YAML file to dict.
How to Sort CSV File in Python
Sometimes you may need to sort contents of CSV file in python. Here is how to sort CSV file in Python.
How to Read Binary File in Python
Sometimes you may need to read binary file line by line or read bytes from binary file. Here is how to read binary file in python.
How to Read User Input in Python
Sometimes you may need to take user input or read user input in Python. Here is how to accept user input in Python.