Sometimes you may need to connect to multiple databases in PHPMyAdmin. Here is how to add multiple hosts in PHPMyAdmin,
How to Enable PHP in Apache
PHP is a popular programming language for web development and blogging. Here are the steps to enable PHP in Apache.
How to Convert HTML to PDF in PHP
Sometimes you may need to convert HTML to PDF in PHP. Here is how to convert HTML to PDF in PHP using HTML2PDF.
How to Prevent Cross-Site Scripting in PHP/Apache
It is important to prevent cross-site scripting in your website. Here is how to prevent cross-site scripting in PHP/Apache.
How to Fix “Unable to find socket transport SSL” error in PHP
Sometimes you may get “Unable to find socket transport SSL” error in PHP websites. Here is how to fix this problem.
How to Enable PHP Error Reporting
It is important PHP error reporting to display all PHP errors on your website. Here is how to enable PHP error reporting for your website.
How to Prevent SQL Injection in PHP
SQL Injection is a major security vulnerability for websites. Here is how to prevent SQL injection in PHP.
How to Generate Subdomains on the Fly in PHP (.htaccess)
Sometimes you may need to create subdomain programmatically or dynamically create subdomain for your website. Here is how to generate subdomains on the fly in PHP using .htaccess.
How to Downgrade PHP 7 to 5.x
How to Run PHP Scripts Automatically
Sometimes you may need to automate PHP scripts. Here is how to run PHP scripts automatically using cron jobs.