Sometimes you may need to display past command history with date and time. Here is how to show commands with date & time.
Sometimes you may need to display past command history with date and time. Here is how to show commands with date & time.
History is a useful Linux command to view past commands. Here are the different ways to use Linux history command.
Sometimes you may need to convert jpg image to pdf in Ubuntu Linux. Here is how to convert image to pdf in Linux.
Sometimes you may need to how to find specific word in vi editor or search a sentence in vi editor. Here is how to search in vi editor.
Tar is a useful utility to archive one or more files. Here is how to tar a file in Linux. You can also tar a directory in Linux.
Sometimes you may need to list all services in Linux or Ubuntu. Here is how to list all services in systemctl command.
Git shallow clone allows you to clone large repositories quickly. Here is how to use git shallow clone
Virtualenv allows you to create, activate and deactivate virtual environments for development and production. Here is how to install virtualenv in Ubuntu.