Sometimes you may need to find last modified files or find files modified in last hour, today, or in last 5 minutes. Here are the steps to do so.
Sometimes you may need to find last modified files or find files modified in last hour, today, or in last 5 minutes. Here are the steps to do so.
Sometimes you may need to mount disk from command line or mount disk partition. Here are the steps to mount drive from terminal.
Sometimes you may need to block brute force attacks to your system. Here are the steps to stop/prevent SSH brute force attacks.
Sometimes you may need to SSH root login in Linux. Here are the steps to disable SSH root login in Linux.
Sometimes you may need to open, extract RAR files in Linux. Here is how to do it using Unrar utility tool.
Sometimes you may need to disable package updates in Linux. Here is how to stop Linux package update in Ubuntu.
Sometimes you may need to check if a port is open or in use. Here are some commands to find out if a port is open or closed in Linux.
Sometimes you may need to view cron jobs for all users or some users. Here is how to list all cron jobs for all users.
Sometimes you may need to monitor crontab logs in Linux. Here is the command to check crontab logs in Linux.
Sometimes you may need to add directory to PATH in Linux. Here is how to add directory to PATH in Linux.