Sometimes you may need to compare two files in Linux. Here is how to compare two files in Linux.
Sometimes you may need to check disk space and send email alerts in Linux. Here is how to check disk space and send email alerts in Linux.
Sometimes you may need to separate sections for split file by size, split file by pattern, split file every n lines, split txt file into multiple files. Here is how to split file into multiple files in Linux.
Sometimes you may need to schedule one-time reboot, reboot every night, reboot daily, reboot weekly in Linux. Here is how to schedule reboot in Linux.
Sometimes you may need to redirect nohup output to file. Here is how to redirect nohup output to file in Linux.
Apt package manager allows you to download, install and remove packages in Debian/Ubuntu Linux. Here is how to install dependencies with Apt.
Debian Package(dpkg) allows you to easily download & install debian packages in Linux. Here is how to install dpkg dependencies in Linux.
Unnecessary services consume CPU and memory in Linux. Here is how to find and disable unnecessary services in Linux.
Journalctl allows you to query systemd logging facility journald. Here is how to use journalctl command in Linux.
Sometimes you may need to grep log file within specific time period in Linux or extract logs with timestamp. Here are the steps to do so.