Sometimes you may need to modify Apache server configuration without restarting. Here is how to change Apache config without restarting.
How to Get Unique IP Address from Log File
Often website administrators need to extract unique IP address from log files. Here are the steps to do so.
How to Run Python Script in Apache Web Server
Sometimes you may need to run a Python script in Apache web server. Here are the steps to run python script in Apache web server.
Shell Script to Clear/Delete Log Files
Sometimes you may need to clear/delete log files in Linux. Here is shell script to clear/delete log files.
How to List SFTP Users Who Have Access in Linux
Sometimes you may need to list all SFTP users who have access to your system. Here is how to do it in Linux.
Apache Commands Cheat Sheet
Aapche is a popular web server. Here is an Apache Command Cheat Sheet to help you with commonly used commands.
How to Harden Apache Web Server on Centos 7
It is important to secure Apache server against malicious attacks. Here is how to harden Apache Web Server on CentOS.
Limit Bandwidth & Connections in Apache
Sometimes you may need to limit bandwidth & connections in Apache web server. Here is how to do this using mod_bw module.
How to Enable Apache MPM Prefork
How to Change Apache Prefork to Worker in Ubuntu
Apache supports prefork as well as worker modules. Here are the steps to change Apache Prefork to Worker in Ubuntu.