Often you may need to read file using shell script. Here is a shell script to read data from text file in Linux.
Awk split one column into multiple columns
Sometimes you may need to split one column into multiple columns. Here is how to split columns using awk command in Linux.
How to Read Variable from File in Shell Script
Sometimes you may need to read variable from file in shell script. Here is how to read variable from file.
Shell script to print output in table format
Sometimes you may need to print command output in table format. Here is a shell script to print output in table format in Linux.
How to Change PHP Version in Ubuntu
Sometimes you may need to change PHP version in Ubuntu. Here are the steps to do switch PHP version in Linux.
MySQL Clustered Index
Clustered Indexes allow faster lookups and improve query performance. Here are more details about clustered indexes in MySQL.
How to Execute Stored Procedure in Python
How to Manage PostgreSQL Views
PostgreSQL Python Transaction
Sometimes you may need to perform transaction in PostgreSQL database using Python. Here is how to do PostgreSQL Python transaction.
MySQL AND Operator With Examples
MySQL AND operator is useful to combine variables, conditions and column values in MySQL. Here are different MySQL AND operator examples.