Sometimes you may need to monitor disk IO performance in Linux. Here are the steps to do so.
How to Pair Airpods Pro with Ubuntu
How to Repeat String N Times in Python
Sometimes you may need to repeat string N times in Python. Here is how to repeat string N times in Python.
How to Delete Last Field in Linux
Sometimes you may need to get the last field in a file or command output, or remove last field in Linux. Here is how to delete last field in Linux.
How to Harden Apache Web Server on Centos 7
It is important to secure Apache server against malicious attacks. Here is how to harden Apache Web Server on CentOS.
How to Display Specific Columns in Linux
How to List Active Connections in PostgreSQL
Sometimes you may need to get open connections or check active connections in PostgreSQL. Here is how to list active connections in PostgreSQL.
How to Create Swap Space in Ubuntu/Debian
Swap space is used as memory in operating system. Here is how to create swap space in Ubuntu/Debian.
How to Fix “mv: Argument List too Long” Error
Sometimes you may get mv: argument list too long error in Linux. Here is how to fix this error in Linux.
How to Repair MySQL Databases & Tables
Sometimes you may need to repair MySQL databases & tables as they grow. Here is how to repair MySQL databases & tables.