It is important to configure line endings in git repository to make it cross platform. Here is how to configure line endings in git commit.
Git Remove File from History
Sometimes you may need to remove file from git history. Here are the steps to remove file from history in git.
Bash Loop Through Files in Directory Recursively
Sometimes you may need to loop through all files in directory in Linux. Here are the steps to do it.
How to Remove .pyc file from Git Repository
How to Reset Local Git Repository to Remote
Sometimes you may need to reset your local branch to be same as remote repository. Here is how to reset local git repository to remote repository.
Cannot Access NGINX From Outside
Sometimes you may be unable to access NGINX from external public ip or outside box. Here is how to fix this issue.
How to Undo Git Rebase
How to Stop Tracking Folder in Git Without Deleting
Sometimes you may need to stop tracking folder in git without deleting it. Here are the steps to do it.
How to Remove Git Ignore Files from Git Repository
How to Stop Python Code After Certain Amount of Time
Sometimes you may need to stop python code after certain amount of time. Here is how to stop python code execution after certain time limit.