Sometimes you may need to automate PHP scripts. Here is how to run PHP scripts automatically using cron jobs.
How to Intersect Two Dictionaries in Python
Sometimes you may need to find common elements in two dictionaries or get intersection of two dictionaries in Python. Here is how to intersect two dictionaries in Python.
How to Disable Directory Browsing in Apache
By default directory listing is enabled in Apache. Here is how to disable directory browsing in Apache web server.
How to Prevent Direct File Download in Apache Server
Sometimes you may need to prevent files from direct URL access on your website. Here is how to prevent direct file download in Apache server.
Difference between $host and $http_host in NGINX
NGINX is a popular web server used by many websites. Here is the key difference between $host and $http_host server variable in NGINX.
How to Test Multiple Variables against a Value in Python
Sometimes you may need to test multiple variables against a value in python. Here is how to check multiple variables against value
How to Grep Multiple Strings, Patterns & Words
Grep is a powerful utility to search for strings, patterns and words in Linux. Here is how to grep multiple strings, patterns and words.
How to Search in Nano Text Editor in Linux
Create User in MongoDB
How to Copy File To Multiple Directories
Sometimes you may need to copy file to multiple directories. Here is how to copy file to multiple directories in Linux.