test multiple variables in python

How to Test Multiple Variables against a Value in Python

Sometimes you may need to test multiple variables against a value in Python. There are multiple ways to do this in Python. In this article, we will look at the different ways to test multiple variables against a value in Python.

How to Test Multiple Variables against a Value in Python

Here are the different ways to test multiple variables against a value in python.

Let us say you have 3 variables x=1, y=2, z=3.

Here is how to test variables x, y, z against value 0

if x==0 or y==0 or z==0:
   #do something
   print 'exists'

In the above statement, python will sequentially test each variable’s value and proceed further at the first condition that evaluates to be true. However, this can be tedious if you have too many variables to be tested.

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In such cases, you can test the variables using the containment test

if 0 in (x,y,z):
  #do something
  print 'exists'

In the above case, python checks if 0 is present in the tuple containing x, y, z.

Similarly, you can also use the above following statement using curly braces ‘{ }’ instead of round braces.

if 0 in {x,y,z}:
   #do something
   print 'exists'

That’s it. As you can see it is very easy to test multiple variables in python.

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