Learn 4 different ways to select random records in MySQL. Get random rows using Rand function, Inner Joins and using variables.
How to Recursively Change Directory Owner in Linux
Sometimes you may need to change directory ownership recursively. Here is how to recursively change directory owner in Linux.
How to Append Text At End of Each Line in Linux
Sometimes you may want to append text at the end of each line in Linux. Here is how to do it using sed command in Linux.
How to Find Out Who is Using File in Linux
Sometimes you may need to know who is using file in Linux. Here is how to find which user is using an open file in Linux.
How to Find & Remove Unused Files in Linux
Sometimes you may need to find & remove unused files in Linux. In this article, we will look at how to find & remove unused files using find & rm commands.
How to Sort Files by Size in Linux
How to Combine Multiple PDF Files into One in Linux
Sometimes you may need to merge multiple PDF files into a single file. Here is how to combine multiple PDF files into one file in Linux.
Python Script to Run SQL Query
Su vs Sudo in Linux
Sometimes you may want to find out the difference between su and sudo commands in Linux. Here is su vs sudo in Linux.
How to Parse Command Line Arguments in Bash
Sometimes you may need to read command line argument in shell script. Here is how to parse command line arguments in shell scripts in Linux.