Sometimes you may need to add scripts to startup or run commands on startup. Here is how to run scripts on start up in Ubuntu.
How to Install HAProxy in Ubuntu
HAProxy is a open-source high availability load balancer and reverse proxy. Here is how to install HAProxy in Ubuntu.
How to Import CSV in Python
Sometimes you may need to import csv file into python. Here is how to import csv using csv reader and python pandas libraries.
How to Sort List in Python
Sometimes you may need to sort list in Python. Here is how to sort list in python in ascending, descending or user-defined order.
How to Count Unique IPs & Requests per IP in NGINX
Sometimes you may need to count unique IPs and requests per ip in NGINX. Here is how to count them in a single line of command.
How to Uninstall NGINX from Ubuntu
Sometimes you may need to completely remove NGINX from your system due to performance issues or other reasons. Here is how to uninstall NGINX from Ubuntu.
How to Exclude File in Git Commit
Sometimes you may need to exclude certain files & folders from your git repository. In this article, we will look at how to exclude file in git commit.
How to Convert string to UTF-8 in Python
How to Undo Git Commit
Sometimes you may need to undo git commit or revert last git commit. Here are the different ways to undo git commit.
Host Multiple Websites on One Apache Server in Ubuntu
If you need to host multiple websites or domains on one Apache server, then here are the steps to do it.