Often you may need to convert Python dictionary to dataframe. Here are the steps to do it.
How to Start Background Process in Python
Sometimes you may need to run a background process in Python. Here are the steps to do this using subprocess module.
How to Prevent NGINX from Serving .git directory
How to Check if Substring is in List of Strings
Here are 5 different ways to check if substring is in list of strings in Python. Use them to check if string is substring of items in List in python.
How to Check if Column is Empty or Null in MySQL
Sometimes you may need to check if column is empty or null in MySQL. Here are 3 different ways to check for null values in column.
How to Schedule Multiple Cron Jobs in One Crontab
How to POST JSON Data in Python Requests
How to Remove Passphrase from SSL Certificate & SSH in Linux
Sometimes you may need to remove passphrase from SSL certificate & SSH keys in Linux. Here is how to do it using OpenSSL utility.
How to Capture SIGINT in Python
Sometimes you may need to capture SIGINT in python. Here are the steps to capture Linux signal in Python.
How to Send Signal from Python
Sometimes you may need to send signal from python. Here are the steps to send signal from python script using signal module.