Sometimes you may need to get current directory in python. Here is how to get current directory in python and change present directory.
How to Iterate over Multiple Lists Sequentially in Python
How to Send HTML Mail Using Python
How to Download File Using Python
Sometimes you may need to download file in Python. Here is how to download file in Python using requests library.
How to Create PDF File in Python
Sometimes you need to export to PDF or export HTML to PDF in your python application. Here is how to create PDF file in Python.
How to Send Email Using Python
Sometimes you may need to send email using Python. In this article, we will look at how to send emails with Python.
How to Update Key in Dictionary in Python
Sometimes you may need to update key in dictionary. Here are three different ways to update dictionary key in python.
How to Search Item in List of Dictionaries in Python
Sometimes you may need to look for item in list of dictionaries in Python. Here are couple of ways to do this.
How to Remove Multiple Items from List in Python
Sometimes you may need to delete multiple items from Python List. Here are the different ways to remove multiple items from list in Python.
How to Flatten List of Dictionaries in Python
Sometimes you may need to flatten list of dictionaries in Python. Here are the different ways to do this.