HTTP Strict Transport Security Policy protects your website from malicious attacks. Here is how to disable HTTP Strict Transport Security Policy in NGINX.
How to Enable HTTP Strict Transport Policy (HSTS) in NGINX
Http Strict Transport Policy protects your websites from man-in-the-middle attacks. Here is how to enable HTTP strict transport policy (HSTS) in NGINX.
How to Check What User NGINX is Running As
Sometimes you may need to find out which user NGINX is running as. Here is how to check which user NGINX is running as.
How to Configure SSL/TLS passthrough in NGINX
Sometimes you may need to setup SSL passthrough for NGINX server. Here are the steps to configure SSL/TLS passthrough in NGINX.
How to Fix NGINX: Too Many Open Files Error
Sometimes you may get “Too Many Open Files” error message while using NGINX server. Here are the steps to fix this issue.
How to List NGINX Modules & Compiled Flags
Sometimes you need to find out the NGINX modules & compiled flags. Here is how to list NGINX modules & compiled flags.
Difference between $host and $http_host in NGINX
NGINX is a popular web server used by many websites. Here is the key difference between $host and $http_host server variable in NGINX.
How to Install Laravel with NGINX
Laravel is a popular PHP framework to create web applications. Here is how to install Laravel with NGINX on Ubuntu.
How to Configure X-Frame-Options for NGINX
It is important to add x-frame-options headers in NGINX to avoid clickjacking. Here is how to prevent others from embedding your web pages on their website.
How to Serve Static Files in NodeJS using NGINX
NodeJS and NGINX are popular web servers for applications & websites. Here is how to serve static files in NodeJS using NGINX.