Sometimes you may get an error “unable to mount NFTS” in Linux. Here is how to fix it in Linux.
How to Convert PPK to PEM Using PuTTY in Linux
Sometimes you may need to convert ppk to pem in Linux. Here are the steps to convert ppk to pem and vice versa in Linux.
Linux History with Timestamp and User
How to Disable Swap in Linux
Swaps space is part of hard disk used to extend RAM memory of system. Sometimes may need to disable swap in Linux. Here is how to do it.
How to Run MySQL Query from Command Line
Sometimes you may need to run MySQL queries from terminal or shell script. Here is how to run MySQL query from command line.
Script to Keep Your Computer Awake
Sometimes you may need to keep your computer awake to execute long running processes. Here is a script to keep your computer awake.
How to Convert Epub to PDF in Linux
Sometimes you may need to convert epub to pdf files in Linux. Here is how to convert Epub to PDF in Linux.
How to Convert Docx to PDF in Linux
How to Remove Yum Repository in Linux
How to Deny SSH Access to Users or Groups
Sometimes you may need to deny access to users or groups in Linux. Here is how to block or revoke SSH access for users or group.