Sometimes you need to change XAMPP Apache server port. Here are the steps to change XAMPP Apache server port.
How to Fix Apache Not Executing PHP Files
Sometimes Apache Server displays PHP files without executing them. Here is how problem of Apache not executing PHP files.
Difference Between ServerName and ServerAlias
ServerName and ServerAlias are two key server directives in Apache. Here is the difference between ServerName and ServerAlias directives.
Host Multiple Websites on One Apache Server in Ubuntu
If you need to host multiple websites or domains on one Apache server, then here are the steps to do it.
How to Redirect 403 to 404 in Apache
Here is how to redirect 403 to 404 in Apache web server. It will protect your website from malicious attacks & security vulnerabilities.
How To Redirect Subfolder to Root in Apache
If you move your website from subdirectory to root then you need to redirect subfolder to root. Here is how to redirect subfolder to root in Apache.
How To Block User Agent in Apache
Sometimes you need to block malicious user agents and spam bots from visiting your website. Here are the steps to block user agent in Apache web server.