Sometimes you may need to log POST data in NGINX. Here is how to log POST data in NGINX server.
How to Read POST Data in NodeJS
Sometimes you may need to process POST data using NodeJS. Here are the steps to read POST data in NodeJS.
How to Setup Catch-All Subdomains in NGINX
Sometimes you may need to wildcard subdomains in NGINX. Here is how to setup catch-all subdomains in NGINX.
How to Uninstall NodeJS, NPM Completely in Ubuntu
NodeJS is a popular JS framework for building web applications. Here are the steps to uninstall NodeJS, NPM completely in Ubuntu.
How to Fix “Unable to find socket transport SSL” error in PHP
Sometimes you may get “Unable to find socket transport SSL” error in PHP websites. Here is how to fix this problem.
How to Enable PHP Error Reporting
It is important PHP error reporting to display all PHP errors on your website. Here is how to enable PHP error reporting for your website.
How to Redirect URL/Page with Anchor Link
Sometimes you may need to redirect to particular section of page using anchor link. Here is how to redirect URL/Page with Anchor link.
How to Convert DocX to Pdf in Python
Sometimes you may need to convert docx to pdf in Windows. Here is how to convert DocX to Pdf in Python using docx2pdf library.
How to Setup SSH Passwordless Login
By default, SSH login requires password authentication. Sometimes you want to login without SSH password. Here is how to setup SSH passwordless login.
How to Change NGINX User
Sometimes you may need to change NGINX user for your website/application. Here is how to change NGINX user.