install django in ubuntu

How to Install Django in Ubuntu

Django is a popular python-based web framework used by thousands of websites. In this article, we will look at how to install Django in Ubuntu.

How to Install Django in Ubuntu

Here are the steps to install Django in Ubuntu. We will be installing Django as a python package, instead of a standalone tool. This makes it easy to integrate Django with the right python version and environment. It is also the recommended method as per Django’s official documentation.

1. Update System

Open terminal and run the following command to update system packages before installing django.

$ sudo apt-get update

Also read : How to Install Git in Ubuntu

2. Install Python & Pip

Python 3 is recommended for Django. In Ubuntu 16.04 and above, Python3 is present by default. If not, run the following command to install Python3.

$ sudo apt-get install python3

Check python version

$ python3 -V
Python 3.6.8

Next, install pip utility required to install python packages like Django.

$ sudo apt-get install python3-pip

Check pip version

$ pip3 -V

Also read : How to Install Virtualenv in Ubuntu

3. Install Django

Run the following command to install Django package in Ubuntu.

$ sudo pip3 install Django


$ python3 -m pip3 install Django

Verify installation by checking its version

$ django-admin –version

That’s it. Django is now installed on your Ubuntu system.

Next steps describe how to create and launch a Django application.

Also read : How to Change SSH Port in Ubuntu

4. Create Django Application

Django-admin command allows you to create and manage Django applications. Navigate to the directory where you want to create a Django app. A Django app is a directory of files and subfolders that contain views, models and urls required to run the app.

Run the following command to create your app named ‘test_app’.

$ django-admin startproject test_app

You will find a folder named test_app created at your present location. Run the following command to set up the database and users for your django app.

$ cd django_app 
$ sudo python3 migrate

Also read : How to Set Up Automatic Updates in Ubuntu

5. Create Superuser

Run the following command to create a superuser for Django application.

$ python3 createsuperuser

You will see a prompt where you need to enter username and password for this new user.

Username : test_user
Email address :
Password (again) :
Superuser created successfully.

Also read : How to Set up Static IP in Ubuntu

6. Run Django Application

By default, Django does not allow external host IPs to access web interface. So you need to add it to ALLOWED_HOSTS variable in file of your Django app. Open it with a text editor.

$ sudo vim django_app/

Add your website/domain’s IP address (e.g If you are running it on localhost add Change

ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['your_server_IP']



You can also add multiple IP addresses, if you want, in a comma-separated manner as shown.


Save changes and close the file.

Run Django server with the following command.

python3 runserver

By default, Django server runs on port 8000. If you want to change this port number (e.g 3000) replace 8000 above with the new port number.

python3 runserver

Open browser and go to http://your_domain_ip:port_number (e.g to access your Django website.

You can also access Django’s admin interface by visiting http://your_domain_ip:port_number/admin (e.g

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